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Coaching for performance: take people beyond their own limits

Summit approach

  • Coaching model oriented to the permanent evolution/transformation of the organizational behaviors: it leverages the person resources and motivation to improve the management/leadership style and performance

  • Building a partnership with the Coachee that accompanies the results realization, the continuity over time and promotes the «endurance» of achievements

  • Using a mix of diagnostic, monitoring and reporting tools extensively tested in different business contexts.

  • Within the path, every meeting is designed «ad hoc» according to the Coachee’s specific needs (developmental and operational).

Gruppo Summit s.r.l. Viale L. Majno, 5 - 20122 Milano - T +39 02 66710332 - F +39 02 66710613 - Cod.Fisc. e P.IVA 01979370150 Cap.Soc. 50.000,00

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