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People Review

What is it

It is the evaluating process of an organizational structure and/or a corporate population of interest, realized through interviews with managers

Segment the population

in clusters that reflect the value generated for the organization

Give value to people

evaluating people characteristics, quality and value for business, in a logic of development, expand/strengthen accountability in the exercised roles, improve performance, enhance the potentialities.

Operate in a «risk management» logic

to ensure the best coverage and management continuity in functions and in professional and managerial roles considered more «critical» for sustainability and business development.

Principal output


potential matrices

Tables of assessment data

High potential profiles

Developing solutions and managerial and retention actions

Succession planning for “key roles”

For business process, function, division, …

For high potentials, people leader, critical resources

By qualification, level of responsibility, age, gender, ...

Emergency, ideal, in a two/three years period

Gruppo Summit s.r.l. Viale L. Majno, 5 - 20122 Milano - T +39 02 66710332 - F +39 02 66710613 - Cod.Fisc. e P.IVA 01979370150 Cap.Soc. 50.000,00

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