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High Performance Leadership Lab: characteristics and learning solutions

An action learning experience that combines and integrates concrete results for the company and for the people (Business Challenge, real projects), with learning outcomes of individual and collective leadership.

  • It allows to assimilate transformational leadership principles and practices aligned with the most advanced models.

  • It enables people to acquire knowledge about their own leadership profile, identifying strengths and weaknesses, as well as solutions for self-development.

  • Train people to work effectively in teams and promotes people and different functions integration.

  • It strengthens the ability to lead and develop the people in the team, aligning values and behaviors.

  • It is an opportunity to develop the ability to communicate, to present in public, to give and receive feedback.

  • It facilitates and strengthens the exchange and cooperation between different levels of responsibility and the Top Management.

Gruppo Summit s.r.l. Viale L. Majno, 5 - 20122 Milano - T +39 02 66710332 - F +39 02 66710613 - Cod.Fisc. e P.IVA 01979370150 Cap.Soc. 50.000,00

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