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Workshop "Calibration": develop the evaluation capacity


  • To better understand the meaning of performance, leadership and management skills evaluation, the factors that influence it, the relevance of the evaluation parameters and the mistakes to avoid in the evaluation processes.

  • To align logic, criteria and evaluation behaviors.

The Workshop "Calibration" is based on contextualized HR profile that, with a particular narrative technique, tell realistic stories.


The described profiles become reference "characters" that embody various aspects of the reference models (managerial skills, leadership skills, etc.).

Gruppo Summit s.r.l. Viale L. Majno, 5 - 20122 Milano - T +39 02 66710332 - F +39 02 66710613 - Cod.Fisc. e P.IVA 01979370150 Cap.Soc. 50.000,00

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